
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Concert Review: The Body at The Cave

Goddamn, I love The Cave. Just when I think their shows can’t get any better, I am pleasantly surprised with killer line ups and brutal bands. When I heard that The Body would be performing there, I instantly knew that I had to go.

the body

Shame was a good choice to open the show. They were heavy and dark,  sacrificing melody and catchy riffs for a dissonant, evil sound. I liked it, but they need to carve a name for themselves somehow. They sound too similar to many other death metal bands. That aside, they are a brutal band capable of nonstop, noisy rage.

High Diver had the same problem. The songs are fantastic while I listen to them, but I can’t remember them afterwards. Nonetheless, they put on a good show, and the music was instantly likable. They have a lot of potential, but first they need to find a signature style that defines them.

Sylphs sound like they are getting heavier and heavier with each performance. Melodic riffs are hinted at rather than actually played. They perform with a brooding, melancholy heaviness.  I also appreciated the intellectual technique behind their emotional virtuosity. The songs are well structured and technical, but their appeal is primarily in their maudlin guitar work.

The Body mirrored the eerie beauty of Sylphs, but their delightfully fucked up vocals gave them a cutting edge. This, plus the almost painful volume, made them stand out. The downtempo, sludgy drums  provided a percussive backbone to their otherwise abstract and amorphous musical style. I was a casual fan of The Body’s discography, but their live concerts are really their claim to glory.

Torn Between Worlds fucked shit up with their caustic, tortured sound. Furious grind and punk elements clash and feed off each other in a discordant frenzy. These hostile songs were like steroids to the audience,  catalyzing insane mosh pits. Their angry energy is extremely cathartic. Whenever Torn Between Worlds plays, blood is usually shed.

The best was band was saved for the last, with Yar closing the show. They sounded phenomenal, as always. They take thrash to a whole new level, playing with exceptional speed and aggression. Their songs flow seamlessly together. The growled vocals, complex guitar work, and fast paced percussion make every performance a great one.

I liked every single band that performed, and their different styles complimented each other. The whole night was magnificently wicked. Four stars out of five.
