
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.


Undead Goathead (Music Blog):


Scroll through the most recent articles posted on this very website, including album reviews, band interviews, concert reports, and lyrical analyses.

Undead Goathead Archives

The original Blogger site with pre-2017 articles.

Social Media

Check out my LinkTree for my social media profiles, including Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, and more.

Collaborations with Other Websites, E-Zines, and Blogs:

Entelodon Records

Most of these band biographies were written by yours truly.

Sleeping Village Reviews

I contributed an album review to the collaborative mid year list for 2021.

Vocal Media

My articles on lifestyle, entertainment, and pop culture.


Decibel Magazine

Not an article, per se, but a collaboration with Entelodon Records, and graphic designer Racknar, for a sweet ad in issue #203.

Against Magazine

My reviews and interviews are featured in issues 2, 3, 6, and 7.

Santa Fe Reporter

Album reviews for 3 Weeks Later, The Strange, and Torn Between Worlds.


Sidewalk Slam

My first book, a collection of poems. Also available at Bookleaf.



The International Museum of Cheryl, or IMOC, is my online gallery of my own photography, paintings, and visual art.