
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Concert Review: Progressively Awesome

Hey ladies and djents, sorry for slacking at my writing duties. In my defense, Far Cry 4 was just released, so I’ve been kind of preoccupied. I’m sure you’ll forgive me. Anyway, when I’m not being a socially inept gamer nerd, I’m being a belligerently drunk metalhead. As such, this show is exactly what I needed on a snowy Saturday night. Here’s what you losers missed out on:
Note: The final line up differs from this flyer. Howling Earth could not make it and American Eyez played in their stead.
American Eyez impressed me. I forgot that some teenagers are actually talented. They covered everything  from Johnny Cash to Led Zeppelin to Motorhead, as well as some original material.  They have a long way to go, but they show more promise than many musicians twice their age. Their choice of songs to cover was ballsy but faithful to the originals. Not everyone can do justice to classics, especially songs like Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love, and even Ace Of Spades. I was particularly surprised by the lead singer’s ability to emulate Robert Plant. That kid has one hell of a voice. Plus, I can only imagine how they felt to be minors performing in a bar right next to Cheeks (the only strip club in Santa Fe, which is just as ghetto as you think). When I was a 14 year old wannabe rockstar, that would have been the best night ever.
Silent Crush was decent.  The highlight of their set was some trippy, psychedelic guitar work. Their music is characterized by funky, catchy beats and rhythmic grooves. They are good at what they do, but frankly, it wasn’t heavy enough for my liking. Still, I commend them for their passion and dedication, which was the x factor that made their performance memorable.
In The End was fantastic. Like the opening band, they did some choice covers, notably Iron Maiden’s Hallowed Be Thy Name and Tool’s Sober.  My favorite part of the whole night was when the guitarist/vocalist Lloyd Romero utilized a beer bottle as an improvised slide. That was effing sick. In The End has always been a favorite in the New Mexico metal scene, not only due to their technical and musical prowess, but they also happen to be very photogenic. (That means I think they’re hot.)

The concert itself was excellent,  but my main complaint is the lack of audience. Listen guys, I know you think it’s weird and creepy to have a sports bar sandwiched between a porn shop and a strip club. To be fair, yeah, it is unusual, but it’s also pretty fucking cool. Music, booze, and sports are the main attraction, but titties help the cause. (Sex sells but who’s buying?)
I digress. Maybe it’s the location. Or maybe some of you need to actually get off your ass and occupy a venue. Regardless, I had plenty of fun with or without you. Four stars outta five.