
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Upcoming Shows: May 2015 *UPDATED*

Winter was well spent in solitude, snow, and ungodly amounts of Swedish and Norwegian black metal. But now the ice is thawing, and it’s time to break out the skateboards and prepare for festival season. Here are some concerts to get us warmed up:


may 1

An all-ages show at The Armory. Bring $8 and some extra for merch. This show is happening in two days!

may 2

Primal Panic presents Snewfest at Sneakerz. Scars Blue, Skull Theory, Scarecrow Effect, and Destroy To Recreate will be performing. Tickets are $7.


may 3

Micawber headlines this concert at The Armory, also featuring End To End, Defleshment, Lacerated Faith, Pyndulum, and Suffering In Silence. That’s six freaking bands for only $8! I’m sold.


may 4

Nailed Shut are touring the West Coast, stopping in Albuqurque on May 10th. If you live elsewhere, check the tour dates  to find a show nearby.


may 5 maeth distances torn

Maeth of Saint Paul, MN, are also doing a Southwest tour. They will visit The Underground  in Santa Fe on May 11th, accompanied by Distances and Torn Between Worlds.


may 5

Metal World Radio presents California rockers Diamond Lane and Delta Rose at The Jamspot, joined by locals Fade The Sun and Severkill. This is an all-ages event, $5 at the door.


may 6

May 12th, get your prog on with The Contortionist, Chon, and Auras. Albuqurque’s own Futilitarian will keep things heavy.


may 7  Blu Phoenix will be hosting Smoke Out Fest ’15  with these seven kick ass bands. Save two bucks by purchasing tickets in advance. This is a pretty big line up, so the show starts early at 5 pm.


may 17


The Underground at Evangelos hosts this three-band concert on May 17th. Cover is $5 at the door, and remember to tip your bartender.

may 20


Punk rock at the Jam Spot in Albuqurque! Check out two touring bands: Straight Outta Luck from Denver, and Sniper 66 from Texas, plus locals.

may 22

Launchpad hosts Burns Like Hell, with NM metal veterans Laughing Dog and Torn Between Worlds. Yar and Econarchy will also be performing.


may 8

The NM Metal Showcase is a free event at Burt’s Tiki Lounge on May 23th. This is a perfect opportunity to see Holocaustic, Death By Chainsaw, Upon Our Ashes, and  Visions Of Death, FOR FREE! Don’t miss out.


may 9

California bands Black Sheep Wall and Columbian Necktie are visiting Duke City Sound (never mind the minor typo in the flyer.) NM bands Hollow Tongue and Loathe will be supporting.


may 9bSpeaking of Loathe, they will be sharing the stage with Genocide, Suspended, Impaled Offering, and the mighty Dread. They’re going out with a bang, performing Brace For Destruction in its entirety at The Launchpad.


may 27


Hatred And Black Magick Tour hits New Mexico on the 27th, at The Armory. Local bands include Lacerated Faith, Impaled Offering, and Visions Of Death. The touring bands are Murrum and Hubris, from Connecticut and New York, respectively.

may 9a

Metal World Radio presents The Chimpz  with 3 Weeks Later, Almost Lost, and Shit Happens Inc. at Ned’s Bar And Grill. This is a 21+ event with a $15 cover.


serial hawk

Cow holy, that’s a sexy line up. I love Serial Hawk. Secrets Of The Sky and Ghosts Of Glaciers are also touring. New Mexico bands Yar, Sleeptaker, and Sylphs will play as well. Bring $8 and a skateboard.

I have a feeling I’ll be updating this constantly. Stay tuned for more flyers and concert info!