Like booze, lesbian porn, and pretty much anything else worthwhile, my blog is banned...
Band Profile
Put the Ventures’ Pipeline, Eric Johnson’s Cliffs Of Dover, and Black Sabbath’s Planet Caravan...
Marshall stacks were made for bands like this. Painfully loud, obnoxiously catchy, and somewhat...
Dissonance In Design is a very appropriate name for a band of this caliber....
Do you like stuff like Whitechapel and Chelsea Grin, but your concert budget consists...
The band is aptly named,since they are deceptively chill, belying venomous undertones and musical...
I have a secret love for Pop- Punk. Laugh all you want, but I am...
I’ve noticed that New Mexico has an obsession, almost bordering on a fetish, with...
I’m going to be brutally honest and admit that I am the Paula Abdul...
Last post grazed upon the surface of the Albuqurque band Distances and their extaordinary stage...