This band and their self titled debut have morbid medical themes, as well as...
Black Metal
St. Peter Martyr Exorcizing a Posessed Statue of the Virgin and Child, Vincenzo Foppa,...
This surreal album art resembles the morbid paintings of Heironymous Bosch. I love me...
Dysphotic is making New Mexico proud to host badass metal bands of this caliber....
Hesperian Death Horse is a post-metal/avant-garde/sludge band from Zagreb, Croatia. Their second album, Ziv,...
Soaring power metal vocals, wailing guitars, triumphant melodies, and just enough distortion to...
I’m listening to Imperial Triumphant- Vile Luxury put out by Gilead Media, and...
Universal Theory is a multifaceted, complex band. Their songs feature raspy gothic vocals punctuated...
On top of their beastly energy and extraordinary talent, these bands were surprisingly...
Slayer are arguably the hardest and heaviest thrash metal band out of the Big...