
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Upcoming Shows

I’m still recovering from the aftershock of the most recent concerts, and already bracing myself for the next. If I’m not back within a week, avenge my death.

Meanwhile, Futilitarian is looking at a busy week. 3 shows in 8 days is pretty intense. First they’ll be hitting Hooligans Nightclub in Albuqurque, along with 5 other Metal bands. Distances is fucking amazing, and like the Instru-Metal style of Futilitarian, they are trippy and ambient. Night Of Revenge is some kick ass Metalcore. Think what Bullet For My Valentine would sound like if they were more badass.  Manias is crazy ass Death Metal from hell. Just talking about them makes me want to scream “WAKE THE FUCK UP.” I don’t know anything about the other 2 bands, and I guess I never will, because I’m a year too young to go to stupid bars. Oh yeah, by the way, this show is for 21+.  It’s $5 at the door, show starts at 7 PM, and it’s all happening this Saturday. By the way, this whole shindig is to celebrate Futilitarian guitarist Aaron’s 23rd birthday. Hell yeah!

Next up, for all you college kids out there, you know how hard it is to study without any background noise. Join Futilitarian at the University Of New Mexico (UNM) campus on the 18th for a full hour of Heavy Metal. This is a free event for all ages, and it’s happening at noon outside the Student Union Building. There’s not a flyer, per se, but here’s a combination of words and pics that say the basics in a nutshell.
Last thing on the to-do list will take place on that most sacrosanct of Holy Days, 4/20. Futilitarian will share the stage with Attackhead from California, plus New Mexico’s own  Eve of an End, Savage Wizdom, and Bodies of Evidence. This show is at Hooligans Nightclub, so again it’s for the 21+ crowd. I can’t find the cover price anywwhere, but I assume it won’t be much over the usual $5. I can’t find the time the doors open either, but being a Metal show, they tend to be around 7 PM. So yeah, blaze one for the nation and then get your stoner ass to a Metal show. The Gods must be smiling on us, because they granted us a 4/20 that falls on a Friday. Divine providence rules!
Spill some blood in the mosh pit as due sacrifice. May these libations please my lords. Amen.
Well, that’s enough about Futilitarian. For those of us who can’t/shouldn’t drink, there’s an all-ages show on the 14th at Amped performance space. My homies from Destroy To Recreate are celebrating their 2 year anniversary, along with 5 other amazing Metal bands. Amped is kind of like Albuqurque’s version of Warehouse 21, so don’t bring stupid stuff like alcohol or drugs to the venue. The show starts at 6 PM, and
it’s $5 at the door.  Smash some skulls and bang your head. Metal health will drive you mad.