Death Magnetic is the 9th studio album from American thrash band Metallica. Intro: February...
Defeatist is a single from the 2006 Hatebreed album, Supremacy. Intro Hatebreed is one...
A Memoir Of Free Will, the latest offering from Krosis, is anticipated to drop...
The album cover for Am Universum, released by Amorphis in 2001. Being a band...
St. Peter Martyr Exorcizing a Posessed Statue of the Virgin and Child, Vincenzo Foppa,...
This debut album is hard and heavy. The thudding bass lines and pounding...
156/Silence is a hardcore metal band based in Pittsburgh, PA. They are releasing the...
Soaring power metal vocals, wailing guitars, triumphant melodies, and just enough distortion to...
Collector is an indie metal band from Boston, MA. They have recently self-released their...
Lostpray have recently uploaded a new music video for their song, Cyberblood. This new...