
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Last Minute Update

Dying Fetus will be playing October 13th at the abandoned (and probably haunted) Traditions building complex off of  I-25. I’d give you directions if I knew them, but basically just follow the signs. You’ll probably see an exit sign that says something like “Traditions: 2 miles” or you might see the complex itself. Can’t be missed, really. Looks like the scene of every “teenagers lost in abandoned theme park” B-grade horror movie from the 80’s. There’s giant aliens and UFOs painted on the walls of what used to be a cafe. There’s also a huge gateway that says “TRADITIONS!”. If the visual cues fail you, then follow the sweet siren call of Dying Fetus. Death Metal isn’t exactly subtle. I don’t have a flyer or anything to show you, dear reader. I myself learned about this show around 1:00 AM. It’s not listed on their tour dates or event pages around town. Maybe they just don’t want a horde of New Mexican meth-heads showing up? Anyway, be there or be mocked by all your cool friends.