
Undead Goathead

Dedicated to metal, music, and mischief.

Upcoming Shows

Tonight at the Underground! Check out all these Fear And Loathing references. More importantly, note that this music is featured on Board To Death Vol. 3.  
If you live in Albuqurque, The Gasworks are hosting another Metal event tonight. Come check it out!

 As you can infer from the flyer art, this is gonna be a retro-style Power Metal show. However, Oscillation is more of the Death Metal persuasion (Think along the lines of Autopsy.)  Heavensake also performs an incredible Helloween cover. You can buy discounted tickets from the bands, but hurry up cuz this is happening tomorrow!

An all-ages Metal show at the Gasworks, courtesy of Joe Angel Productions. 

Holy crap! Vader fuckin’ rules! They’re straight up legendary. And they’re sharing the stage with Execration to boot! The rest of the line up is pretty cherry, but Vader and Execration are the REAL DEAL. 
This Metal show is taking place in El Paso, Texas. You should probably arm yourself.

What a line up! Six hours of Metal in Shiprock, NM. Note that drugs and alcohol are not allowed. Also note that they’re not responsible for injury, death, or theft. Yikes.

Another Texas concert. Vital Remains is the crown jewel of this one.
There’s no flyer for this show, just a picture of a ticket. $5 on Oct 12 will grant you access to a Rock showcase, sponsored by Primal Panic and Rock U-Night. 

Here we go! This is the show at the Traditions building complex off the highway. Another sexy line-up and an even sexier flyer. For those of us who were unceremoniously shooed out of the Hell In July show, this is the show to make up for it. Bring your old Hell In July ticket and it will be honored.
Only $4 to see all these cool Grind/Death bands? Fuck yeah. Count me in. Meathook, Impaled Offering, Defleshment, Deforme, and A Malicious Plague. See you there, my friends.