A few days ago, I thought I’d just post a single half-assed entry and...
Browse By Genre
So… You may or may not remember my chemically altered post from 2 am...
This post is named after a shirt I got from the mall in high...
Last post was super-false, but my computer bit the dust, so I had to...
I have a secret love for Pop- Punk. Laugh all you want, but I am...
I missed the Gaza show, due to the clusterfuck that passes as “Public Transportation”...
As usual, I got so drunk that I forgot I even have a blog....
Local music scenes rule, and as such I try to promote concerts and events...
Of all the seasons, Spring is the least Metal. That’s probably why my writing...
Like Metal itself, the origin of skateboarding is disputable. However, even their debatable beginnings...