St. Peter Martyr Exorcizing a Posessed Statue of the Virgin and Child, Vincenzo Foppa,...
Browse By Genre
This surreal album art resembles the morbid paintings of Heironymous Bosch. I love me...
Photo via Music Norway This song grew on me. At first, I was hesitant...
Album Review: June 1974 – Nemesi Beautiful women, angels, and flowers are some of...
Dysphotic is making New Mexico proud to host badass metal bands of this caliber....
Hesperian Death Horse is a post-metal/avant-garde/sludge band from Zagreb, Croatia. Their second album, Ziv,...
This debut album is hard and heavy. The thudding bass lines and pounding...
156/Silence is a hardcore metal band based in Pittsburgh, PA. They are releasing the...
Soaring power metal vocals, wailing guitars, triumphant melodies, and just enough distortion to...
I’m listening to Imperial Triumphant- Vile Luxury put out by Gilead Media, and...