Ahh, late December. The end of another year. The time when all my arch nemeses – erm, fellow music writers – make lists of AOTY (Album of the Year) and community countdowns. When we reflect on our favorite records, EPs, and singles. A healthy balance of catchy mainstream stuff, cult classics, deep cuts, and hidden gems. Retrospective flashbacks on the music of 2021, both good and bad.
Anyway, here’s my stand-alone interview with The Illegal Aliens.
1. Can you please introduce yourselves?
Gabriel Lucero – Hi I’m Gabe.
Eric Guitterez: I’m Eric and I’m lead vocal, and the elder of the band.
Kenny Brito: I’m Kenny and I’m the bean & cheese burrito of the band.
Gabe P: Gabriel Pacheco, bass guitar and resident lactose intolerant.
Zack: Hi I’m Zack, Rhythm guitar.
2. When did you first form the band?
The Illegal Aliens: February 2015 @ The Santa Fe place mall.
3. Who are your musical inspirations and influences?
Gabe L: The Offspring, Metallica, Dead Kennedys.
Kenny: Slipknot, Lamb of God, Slayer.
Eric: Linkin Park, Eminem , STYX.
Gabe P: In general Berry Oakley and Peter Hook but for this band Bad Brains probably.
Zack: Linkin Park, Iron Maiden, Blue North.
4. What is your song writing process?
The Illegal Aliens: It usually starts with one of us having an idea, and everyone kinda builds and collaborates.
5. Do have any singles, EPs, or albums in the works?
The Illegal Aliens: We are dropping a new mixtape this winter, produced by Augustine Ortiz.
6. Do you plan to go on tour? If so, when and where?
Gabe L: Earth / Forever.
Zack: Looking to to tour ASAP, but waiting to see how the pandemic plays out before making any decisions.
Gabe P: Touring is hard, we’d like to do it but the timing isn’t necessarily right.
7. What’s the wildest thing that ever happened at a concert you played?
Gabe L: Playing at the bonfire @ Sandia Speedway.
Eric: A lot.
Kenny: When we played Durango and we almost got shut down. We had a fight break out in the audience.
Zack: When I fell off Launchpad’s stage last month. I’m still feeling it to this day. (Editor’s note: This interview was originally completed in November, so they’re probably referring to this show.)
Gabe P: I’ve electrocuted myself on several occasions.
8. What’s the worst part about being in a band?
Zack: Time management for me.
Gabe P: Scheduling or being electrocuted.
Gabe L: The Farts.
Eric: When shows get canceled and silent crowds.
Kenny: Being in too many bands at once.
9. What’s the best part of being in a band?
Gabe P: The Music, Man.
Gabe L: Just being in the band.
Kenny: Achieving your hopes and dreams.
Eric: Fucking with other bands.
Zack: Bringing people joy with what we do.
10. What do you want to say to your fans?
Kenny: Support your local music scene, without you guys there is no us.
Gabe P: We, and bands in general, thrive off the energies of the audience. When we see y’all having a good time it helps us play better and it creates a big feedback loop of good vibes. Thank you so much you make us very happy. Stay in school if you’re in school, do your best if you work.
Eric: I love you all, so please don’t piss me off.
Zack: Thank you for everybody’s continued support! We all appreciate everything the community has done for us, and for liking what we do.
Gabe L: Buy Merch.
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