Cyclops is releasing their self titled debut album in late 2020. This self titled...
A Memoir Of Free Will, the latest offering from Krosis, is anticipated to drop...
St. Peter Martyr Exorcizing a Posessed Statue of the Virgin and Child, Vincenzo Foppa,...
156/Silence is a hardcore metal band based in Pittsburgh, PA. They are releasing the...
Not only is Greece the cradle of Western civilization and the root of all...
While we have a few more weeks of winter to blast our black metal...
If this isn’t already album art, it should be. The yin-yang is a timeless...
This album is living proof that life imitates art, and vice versa. The furious,...
This was one hell of a show, and perfectly timed for Halloween. Unfortunately, Born...
Garroter has a choppy, chunky sound reflecting the bloody bits and pieces on the...