This Santa Fe, NM based punk band is out of this world! Intro: Ahh,...
Diabolica, the latest album from Haiduk, was released 09/21/21. This band is as heavy...
Intro: Full disclosure: I have giant stacks of CDs, and dozens (maybe even hundreds)...
Intro: And now, for something completely different! I’m no stranger to literary experimentation. I...
Intro: Album Of The Year and other list based articles are a mixed bag,...
Insomnium is a melodic death metal band based in Finland. Intro: This track is...
Death Magnetic is the 9th studio album from American thrash band Metallica. Intro: February...
This album was released on 02/07/2020. Green Day is my favorite pop punk band,...
Intro: Macy’s Day Parade is a single from the album Warning, released by Green...
This intriguing album cover is a delicate balance of minimalist and ornate. If something...