Vovkulaka is a Ukraine-based metal band. Review by Luke Parsons of Abrasive Noise. A...
Intro: Album Of The Year and other list based articles are a mixed bag,...
This album was released on 02/07/2020. Green Day is my favorite pop punk band,...
Defeatist is a single from the 2006 Hatebreed album, Supremacy. Intro Hatebreed is one...
Intro: Macy’s Day Parade is a single from the album Warning, released by Green...
St. Peter Martyr Exorcizing a Posessed Statue of the Virgin and Child, Vincenzo Foppa,...
156/Silence is a hardcore metal band based in Pittsburgh, PA. They are releasing the...
Collector is an indie metal band from Boston, MA. They have recently self-released their...
Deforme is a conglomeration of brutal death metal and grind. The gutteral vocals are...
This band is “radical” in every sense of the word. Their music is extreme...